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and Cauchy sequences, and provide examples of Hilbert spaces. 2.1 Vector spaces. The notion of a vector space should be known from linear algebra:. BRUCE K. DRIVER†. 12. Hilbert Spaces. 12.1. Hilbert Spaces Basics. Definition 12.1. Let H be a complex vector space. An inner product on H is a. Definition 6.2 A Hilbert space is a complete inner product space. A third area in which Hilbert spaces arise naturally is in probability theory. Ideas from linear algebra underlie much of what follows, so we begin with a brief review of linear (or vector) spaces. Definition: A linear space is a set X Orthogonality is one of the central concepts in the theory of Hilbert spaces. Another concept, intimately related to orthogonality, is orthogonal projection Direct sums of Hilbert spaces play an important role for the discussion of systems of equations and in particular for understanding linear operators in Hilbert
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