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Special function programming instructions for Vauxhall, Opel and Buick vehicles 1. click the diagnostics/ year of the car/ model carClose the window and exit. Open the software OP-COM.exe. Click Diagnostics->Double click AUTOMATIC VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION->Click KWP-2000 or. CAN , OP-COM is a Windows-based diagnostic application package for Vauxhall and Opel simply download and extract files then follow the instructions below. OPCOM for vauxhall / opel diagnostics - installation instructions by JJDIAGNOSTICS. Watch later. Share op-com-setup-instruction .pdf - OBD2 Diagnostic Tool. READ. 1. create a folder named [op-com] at the desktop.2. open [op-com] CD.3; set up “op-com EN exe”. The security code can be found in the Car Pass. You should get the Car Pass from the dealer, or the previous owner, along with all the vehicle papers (owners
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